Sunday 14 December 2008

Judgement day...

Well, its finally upon us. Josh has pretty much stated what we've been upto this week and the porblems that have come up on the group blog so no need to say more with that. From a personal input, I started the week working on the lighting in the basement and main room with Spencer. I would sort out the intensity of the light and Spencer would put in the colour tints. We both agreed on a strong green tint like that from the first saw film as explained in previous posts. I think it also adds some variety from the other rooms in our environment as the main room is mainly dark and the study is lit, so it adds some difference with the strong green tint. As a group we do like the way it is turning out, of course we would make changes but its too early to say what changes we would make yet. When we see the final animation short then we can discuss the outcome looking back on the project. Lets just hope our main room has rendered out for tomorrow *prays* ^~^

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